Thomas Weigold

Homepage & Blog out of the life of a computer scientist

Debian Bookworm New Advanced Package Tool (APT) GPG-Keys Handling

Since more than 2 months Debian has released a new version of his well-known OS. Since this release many people told me, that they get warnings during the package update process using “apt” (Advanced Package Tool).

Useful OpenSSL Commands

During the work with ssl/tls certificates on the command line, it often happens that you need to read out some attributes. To do this the most modern Linux distrubtions includes the openssl application by default. This cool program alows us to read in the certificate from a remote server or from a .pem file. But perhaps that is not the main goal of the libary, it delivers much more features like the generation of certificates itself or the generation of signing requests as example. Perhaps the best description of the functions would by everything what has to do with native SSL/TLS certificate actions is included.

Expanding Virtual Disk and the Linux Filesystem Inside the Guest

Expandation of a virtual File System Due to the aspect that the filesystem of a virtual machine grows with his lifetime (e.g. new dependencies/packages, bigger logs, more user data, …) it can happen that the virtual disk runs out of space and therefore must be expanded. Please be aware, that it can always happen that your guest filesystem get destroyed during the operation. To be prepared for this case, as always, DO BACKUPS!

First blog article

Hello @internet, welcome on my new website. If you see that, you have found the way to my new blog. During the next time, I plan to publish some blog articles which describes some interest IT stuff, tutorials and nice to have.